
POFFFA Perpetual Flying Fifteen Trophy

No, I haven’t made a typo, there really are three “f”s in POFFFA. The Port of Falmouth Flying Fifteen Association in southern England.

They asked for a perpetual trophy featuring their class plus a map of where they sail. The river estuary with the deep channel picked out in a lighter timber.

Flying Fifteen Perpetual Sailing Trophy
Flying Fifteen Perpetual Sailing Trophy

Abi and Nick look pretty happy being the very first winners of this trophy.

High School Music Award

We don’t always make sailing trophies, sometimes we branch out into exciting new directions.

Such as when a teacher from the high school wanted to commemorate the memory of a local piano tuner. They wanted something simple but stunning for the memorial perpetual trophy plus a little keeper that the winning student could take away with them.

This is what we came up with. Happy to say the teacher, and the school, were delighted.